Seven days a week
One of our members put it in a nutshell when she said: “The HelpCentre can change your life!” Helping people is what drives us. And yet, we realise that the best, most permanent help we can give anyone is to empower them – when we teach them how to help themselves. This goal underlines everything we do. In practical terms, the heart of our work is the daily meetings we hold at each HelpCentre.
These are short 45-90 minute meetings where we give practical advice and teaching on how to change or improve various aspects of your life. These sessions include prayers for those things that only God can do. Take a look at our schedule of services and read the brief description for each day. Some people may find they need everything listed there, but most will identify one or two days of the week which they need to start attending. To attend, all you need to do is drop in on the day and time of the service.
Appointments are not necessary, though it’s a good idea to first see a pastor so that you can be directed to the meetings that are best for you. Just phone for an appointment or ask to see someone on your first visit.
National Helpline: 02 9602 9837 local call rate
Daily meetings at 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7.30pm

Prayer & Faith-building to move ahead in your finances.
Get out of debt, start your business, get motivated, organise your finances, stop money wasting. Find wisdom to prosper, favour in buying and selling, work towards promotion, make money work for you, justice in court cases - serving God with your money.
Every Monday - 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7:30pm

When doctors and medicines are not enough.
For people who suffer with constant pain, deteriorating health, can't work due to illness, incurable disease, doctors don't know what's wrong, dependant on pills, recovering from injury, weight problems, sick children.
Every Tuesday - 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7:30pm

If you are not growing spiritually, you are dying.
Discover new insights from God's Word, making the Bible relevant for today, feeding your spirit, and increasing your faith.
Wednesday - 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7:30pm

No success can compensate for failure in your family.
Marriage and family guidance. Also preparing to find your partner for life.
Every Thursday - 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7:30pm

All evil needs to prosper, is for people to do nothing.
Break all types of curses, stop bad luck and uproot hidden roots. Achieve spiritual protection, knowing the enemy and defeating him, deliverance (mind, body and soul) from all evil, breaking cycles of failure, get rid of depression, fear, insomnia, panic attacks.
Every Friday - 7am, 10am, 3pm & 7:30pm

Get closer to God, learn how to pray effectively, receive the Holy Spirit.
This is the main weekly service. 9:30am main service (also 7:30am, 3pm & 5pm)
Addiction Cleansing Therapy - 3pm