The glamorous lifestyle that almost got Tapiwa killed
Many people leave school with the dream of making something of themselves in society. They want to become established in one industry or another. Whilst others want to go into business for themselves by monetising their God-given talents.
Tapiwa Senah was no different; the talented young man started off running a co-owned unisex salon in Suffolk at the age of sixteen. He was also a talent on the basketball court and had the opportunity to represent England’s under-eighteens but chose to go into business instead. Aged eighteen he had a change of heart, instead of becoming the sole owner of the salon as previously arranged, he sold it and chose to go to university instead. A sensible decision, but Tapiwa was later lured out of university and into the world of celebrity entertainment.
Celebrities, music, partying, girls, clubbing, social use of illicit drugs; all that became his normality but despite his exposure to many well-known celebs, he was neither happy nor content. The lifestyle was not what it seemed to be on the outside looking in. He knew the truth—Tapiwa was struggling but kept a façade as his reality was too embarrassing— it was easier to live a lie.
Behind the scenes of impressing friends and entertaining celebrities, the desperate musician was struggling financially due to bad deals and the many ways he was wasting his money. Tapiwa had to be bailed out by his then-girlfriend, Yasmin, on occasions as she was supportive of him regardless. Disillusioned with life in the music industry, Tapiwa felt lost, lacked focus, and questioned himself constantly. The pressure he found himself under had an adverse effect on his health, for over four years he’d have nose bleeds due to the stress.
At this point, he had taken ten years to build up his music career but had become disillusioned with it all. Tapiwa was thinking about leaving the industry. He reflected on what he had already left behind, basketball, the salon, the University, and now the music. It was during this time that Tapiwa was invited to church where he started to learn about the power of faith.
“I was a complete mess. Nothing I did seemed to work long enough for me to see the benefits. I’d work hard but all my money would just disappear! I couldn’t tell you where it all went. It was one bad event after another following me around like a shadow. For example, two weeks before Yasmin and I were to marry, we were kicked out of our home after discovering that it was illegally sublet to us by a council tenant. It was an absolute nightmare! They took off with our deposit and once again we were left with nothing. Events like this and more led me to such a low point that I felt suicidal. In fact, I attempted to take my life three times. Coming to the Universal Church when I did was my lifeline.”
The services at the Church helped Tapiwa work through his internal issues and see himself in a new light. He realised that his previous quest for success only masked the emptiness he felt inside. He not only used this new-found inner strength to break free from his toxic lifestyle but also to rebuild his life.
“I’d heard so much about God at this point and seen what He did in the lives of others, I wanted the same for myself and my wife. I wanted a new life but this time, with Him as the head. I took part in the services and prayers, presenting my goals and plans to God. It gave me the confidence to go for what I wanted because I now had a partnership I knew would never fail.
From that moment on, things started to happen, not by magic—there was a lot of hard work and networking involved—but I’d notice that things would always go in my favour. Even things that looked bleak would later turn into opportunities or a blessing in disguise.”
Today, Tapiwa is the founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer of a successful tech company. The new father has been involved in projects acting as CEO, manager, consultant and business innovator in the UK, Dubai, France, and Italy.
“We work with various people in the technology and retail industry. People come to us for technology solutions for their businesses, whether it's failing or if they are looking for ways to make it grow. I enjoy my work and look forward to it every day. I have a blessed marriage, I live in a beautiful home – I am grateful to God for all of it. I could never repay Him for taking me out of that dark and depressive pit I found myself in mentally.
Today, Tapiwa’s vision has matured greatly and is no longer chasing after money as though his life depended on it. He has learned that money is a tool and is breaking new ground, making wiser decisions, and staying true to what he believes to be his God-given vision.
Tapiwa Senah